Welcome in Bern

Logo European Caravan Federation (ECF)

47th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
30th Meeting of the European Leisure Vehicle Industry (MELVI)

The MELVI 2025 will be held in combination with the ECF Annual meeting from 15 to 17 May 2025 in Bern (Switzerland).

The «Zytglogge» tower in Bern
The «Zytglogge» tower in Bern
A bear in the «Bärengraben»
A bear in the «Bärengraben»
Bathing in the Aare river
Bathing in the Aare river
Bern by night
Bern by night



ECF 2025 Bern – Project Team caravaningsuisse
Project Manager: Reto Ruchti | Project Realisation: Markus Gasser | Coordination caravanigsuisse: Christoph Hostettler | Sponsoring: Bruno Hausammann | Project Support: Angela Zimmermann, Elvis Lehmann, Peter Chapuy, Beat Amstutz